Since last we spoke, summer has officially come to a close. In fact, Lake Tahoe’s first snowfall occurred on the last day of summer. Exciting stuff!
The name of the game this summer was to work lots and get a grip on my finances while building consistent production habits with regard to my artistic pursuits. I’ve got a ways to go on both fronts (and I need to re-incorporate exercise into my daily routine!), but overall I’ve had success. It definitely helps to have vision and purpose for my work (jobs and art stuff), so at this point it’s just a matter of staying on target and continuing to work, learn, and produce great artwork.
Alignment is the word that keeps repeating in my mind. All things connected and working in harmony. The parts combining to create something greater than the whole. Leveraging the efforts and knowledge from one endeavor or facet of life to assist with another. And all that jazz.
There will always be setbacks, stumbling blocks, and other challenges that conspire to destroy what you’ve built or derail you from your path. However, they only become debilitating and paralyzing when you solely focus on them. Keep in mind that target fixation works both ways. The same energy you invest in negative habits can be used to fuel the positive ones.